Who Are We

We are an Ingenuity Workshop. Well, we observe, we listen closely, we drink lots of coffee and we continually think up ideas that will improve consumers’ lives as well as enhance the bottom line of our business partners.

At 5HI we see the world differently than most. We have found that a fresh set of eyes lends a unique perspective, and that perspective provides a world of ideas that lead to new and distinct revenue opportunities. We cringe when consumers are frustrated and feel that they must make compromises in their lifestyle; we wince when companies must make concessions when bringing their products to market.

We form an indelible bond, enabling our partners by Guiding them to identify untapped innovations in their businesses.

But we also see opportunities. 5HI partners with you and your business, serving as a trusted partner to recognise and develop new opportunities.

Our team brings over 100 years of leadership experience in industries as varied as cellular technologies, to world class restaurants, to the world’s largest vehicle manufacturers.

We are a diverse group of serial entrepreneurs that work incredibly well on our own, but even better as a team. We share a common passion for technology, original ideas and satisfied customers. We like to ask questions and we continually ask ourselves “Can this be done just a little bit better?” Our united goal is innovation that actually leads to a better life.

Reach out to us to learn more… we can talk over a cup of coffee.

Noun / Verb

1 : a gap between a goaltender’s parted legs through which a puck can pass.
2 : the act of scoring between the goalie’s legs.
3 : a creative solution.
“The left winger went five-hole and led his team to a Stanley Cup victory.”.